Toxic Food?

The FDA and government have our health in their best interest, right? Wrong! Did you know that back in 1958, a law was enacted that food additives were guaranteed to be safe? It was called the Food Additives Amendment. When this law as enacted, there were only about 800 additives. Now we have close to…

Life Changing Books

These three books are what started it all. My anxiety was out of control and I was looking for natural ways of healing. I followed “The Food Babe” on Instagram for a while and was very interested in her knowledge in food additives and preservatives and how they affected the body. I instantly went to…

DIY Bathroom Spray

Part of my journey to a healthier and toxic-free life is figuring out ways to replace the toxic products in my home. That means finder non-toxic replacements or even making my own. In the past, we used Febreze a lot in the bathroom at home. Let me tell you that it is toxic stuff! Air…

About Me…

Hi, and welcome to my blog. Follow along with my while I go on a journey in search of better health and wellness. It all started a few years ago, when I read a book on how toxic everyday items can be. Items such as makeup, skincare products, cleaning products, and even preservatives in foods….